“Erkin O’zbekiston” (Free Uzbekistan) is a center-right political opposition movement of Uzbekistan (Uzbek: Erkin O’zbekiston siyosiy muxolifat harakati), whose main goal is to come to power through democratic means.
The unregistered political opposition movement “Erkin O’zbekiston” (hereinafter referred to as the Movement) was created in October 2019 in the German city of Dusseldorf. The founder of the movement is Hasanboy Burhanov, an Uzbek social and political figure.

The movement is a recognized political organization that takes part in Meetings and Conferences of the OSCE and other international organizations.
The movement is financed through voluntary donations and targeted contributions from its supporters, as well as from the personal funds of the organization’s founder.
The political opposition movement “Erkin O’zbekiston” adheres to a center-right ideology. Taking into account the principles of the rule of law, the Movement advocates the preservation and development of national identity and sovereignty, as well as the strengthening and promotion of traditional family values.
Transnational repression
Since the creation of the Movement, the Uzbek authorities have subjected its participants and supporters to threats, intimidation and harassment. On September 4, 2024, the Movement published a report on transnational repression by the Uzbek authorities on its website. The website of the Movement in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Logos of the political opposition movement “Erkin O’zbekiston” are available for free use in media and Wikipedia (a proper citation is obligatory):