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30 January: The Peoples of the Turkestan Autonomy Genocide Remembrance Day

30.01.2021 admin

In the autumn of 1917, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks, Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks who refused to recognize Soviet power sought to create a nation-state. The Turkestan Autonomy (Turkiston Muxtoriyati) was created on 26–28 October at the fourth Extraordinary Congress of Turkestan Muslims, in the city of Kokand.

The Turkestan Autonomy (TA), which was the first democratic country in Turkestan, existed until 19 February 1918, when the Bolsheviks destroyed the young state.

To eliminate the supporters of Turkestan’s independence, the Soviet government sent 11 convoys carrying troops and artillery to Kokand that included detachments of Bolshevik terrorists and terrorist groups from the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun).

On the night of 29–30 January, the terrorist detachments of the Soviet authorities launched the destruction of the TA in Kokand.

During the organised genocide against the people of the Turkestan Autonomy, the Soviet government, with the active support of terrorist groups from the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, massacred some one hundred and fifty thousand civilians in 1918–1919.

We remember all the terrible crimes of the Soviet regime!

That is precisely why the Erkin O’zbekiston opposition movement is going to work to ensure that an international political and legal assessment is produced about the colonial crimes committed by the occupation forces of the Russian Empire and the Soviet government against the peoples of Turkestan (the countries of Central Asia).