Stop LGBT propaganda in Uzbekistan

08.10.2024 admin

Speech by Mr Burhanov, founder of the political opposition movement ‘Erkin O’zbekiston’ (Free Uzbekistan), at the 8th Session of the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference – 2024.

Thank you, Madam Moderator.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Hasanboy Burhanov, Erkin O’zbekiston Movement.

With Shavkat Mirziyaev’s unconstitutional rise to power, his pseudo-liberal team has intensified the promotion of LGBT ideology, transgender transition and paedophilia in Uzbekistan.

Using methods of manipulation of public consciousness, the numerous troll factory of Presidential Advisor Saida Mirziyaeva imposes on our society a way of life that contradicts the religious and national-cultural values of the Uzbek people.

Wishing to be recognised among certain circles of the Western establishment, Saida Mirziyaeva is purposefully introducing so-called Western values in Uzbekistan. However, we all know very well that the Western world has achieved today’s progress because of it cherishing its Christian, spiritual and moral values, which go against the aggressive propaganda of LGBT ideology.

Given the fact that the majority of participating States in the OSCE region have chosen the path of democratic development, we are full of understanding and compassion towards the choice each individual may be taking, regardless of their sexual orientation.

At the same time, the protection of LGBT rights should not be turned into an instrument of political pressure on developing countries coming from minority groups in some states.

The “Erkin O’zbekiston” Movemen strongly condemns the Mirziyaev regime for its aggressive propaganda of LGBT ideology in Uzbekistan.

Adhering to the principles of the rule of law, the “Erkin O’zbekiston” Movement favours the preservation and development of national identity and the strengthening and promotion of traditional family values.

The “Erkin O’zbekiston” Movemen stands for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Uzbekistan within its internationally recognised borders.

Thank you for your attention.