
An anniversary concert of Nikolai Rastorguev and the Russian rock band ‘Lyube’ is scheduled for 20 September 2024 at the Friendship of Peoples Palace in Tashkent. Tickets for the concert are already on


The Erkin O'zbekiston (Free Uzbekistan) movement is an opposition movement to the current government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The main goal of the movement is to come to power democratically and to


On January 1, 2023, the political opposition movement "Erkin O’zbekiston" published an article on its social media pages titled "The Mirziyoyev Regime is Killing Uzbek Children". The article detailed how the kleptocratic Mirziyoyev


On 12 October 2022, the UN General Assembly condemned Russia's "attempted illegal annexation" of four partially occupied regions of Ukraine and called on all countries not to recognise the move. 143 countries supported


On July 1 of this year, massive protests erupted in the major cities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region within the sovereign state of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These protests, involving


While Shavkat Mirziyoyev continues to deceive the international community, accumulating various loans and plunging the country into debt bondage, his security services, following the worst traditions of notorious terrorists, are attempting to silence


OSCE leaders say quality law-making is the cornerstone of democracy and the protection of human rights.  On 26 April in Vienna, the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM II) began its two-day work.  More


Reinforcing a Comprehensive Approach to Preventing and Countering Terrorism and VERLT in a Changing Landscape 20-21 April 2021 Vienna, Austria Esteemed Colleagues, There is no doubt that terrorism is a global problem, and


The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights held its 1st Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting of 2021 on 8-9 March at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. The political opposition movement Erkin


To provide an adequate assessment of the ability of citizens of present-day Uzbekistan to exercise their constitutional rights, we have to look back at events that took place in the autumn of 2016,

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