
On 12 October 2022, the UN General Assembly condemned Russia's "attempted illegal annexation" of four partially occupied regions of Ukraine and called on all countries not to recognise the move. 143 countries supported


On July 1 of this year, massive protests erupted in the major cities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region within the sovereign state of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These protests, involving


In order to reset the number of /increase the presidential terms or, in other words, to increase the length of the term and privatise the national wealth of Uzbekistan, Mirziyoyev and his gang


While Shavkat Mirziyoyev continues to deceive the international community, accumulating various loans and plunging the country into debt bondage, his security services, following the worst traditions of notorious terrorists, are attempting to silence


On 7 December 2021, the press office of Uzbekistan's Ministry of Emergency Situations circulated an official statement regarding an accident that had happened in the early hours of that same day in the


Uzbekistan still remains a kleptocratic state, and this is a matter of great sadness and regret to me. The scale of the Mirziyoyev family's corruption has already overpassed the level of corruption linked


he Swedish OSCE Chairpersonship and ODIHR held the Third Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on 12-13 July 2021. The theme of the Meeting: Digital Technologies and Human Rights - Opportunities and Challenges  Distinguished colleagues!


In the autumn of 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoyev came to power in Uzbekistan in violation of the constitution and with Kremlin support. Uzbekistan continues to be a kleptocratic regime; the country has already turned


Russian citizen Evgeny Shirokov shot and killed a Tien Shan brown bear, listed among endangered and protected species, during a hunt in the Tashkent region. At present, the population of Tien Shan brown


In the autumn of 1917, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks, Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks who refused to recognize Soviet power sought to create a nation-state. The Turkestan Autonomy (Turkiston Muxtoriyati) was created on 26–28 October