
Are the dictators creating a new military alliance? Lukashenka flew to Uzbekistan. In Tashkent, the dictator will hold talks with the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. They will be held both in a


The political opposition movement Erkin O'zbekiston congratulates Mr Lai and the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan on their convincing victory in the fair and just presidential election held on 13 January. Respecting the


In December of last year, Uzbek media reported on a significant theft that occurred at the official residence of the Chairperson of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Oliy Majlis. According to


Dear Colleagues, Uzbekistan has been and remains the biggest exporter of migrant workers in Central Asia. More than 5 million people are forced to find work far away from home to be able


After the annexation of Crimea in February-March 2014, Putin and his propaganda voices assured the world that the Russian military was not involved in this event. The people of Crimea, as they claimed,


The Women's World Boxing Championships will take place in New Delhi (India) from 15 to 26 March this year and the Men's World Boxing Championships will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) from  1


On January 1, 2023, the political opposition movement "Erkin O’zbekiston" published an article on its social media pages titled "The Mirziyoyev Regime is Killing Uzbek Children". The article detailed how the kleptocratic Mirziyoyev


The claim that children are the future of any state has been shattered by the harsh realities of the Mirziyoyev regime. The Mass Death of Children in Uzbekistan Ezoza Fozilova (June 27, 2020


On November 11, 2022, during the Samarkand Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), Turkish President Recep Erdoğan made the following statement: “In accordance with the rights of our brotherhood, we have


On 12 October 2022, the UN General Assembly condemned Russia's "attempted illegal annexation" of four partially occupied regions of Ukraine and called on all countries not to recognise the move. 143 countries supported